Cyber Safe Seminar for Senior Citizens held at an active adult community in Greenville, South Carolina.

Hand in hand with our loved ones, we stand and fight against financial fraud and cybercrime. 

Cyber Savvy Educational Seminars

CSF is dedicated to protecting vulnerable seniors from financial fraud and cyber abuse. One of the ways we are achieving this is through our Cyber Savvy Educational Seminar. Our educational seminars focus on financial fraud prevention, cybersecurity, and data privacy education for senior citizens providing higher confidence and less fraud in their digital landscape.

To achieve this goal, leading cybersecurity professionals volunteer to develop content for seniors. When we partner with senior care facilities, we provide training sessions to residents to ensure they have access to the latest resources and information.

Your donations and support will help our program reach as many seniors as possible, cover the expenses of our professional cybersecurity volunteer trainers, and provide valuable training sessions, workshops, and information materials to continuously improve our training program. With your support, we can continue to expand our network of partners and provide valuable training to seniors across the country.