The Team

Caaptivating Seniors Foundation began with a group of passionate individuals who witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of cyber abuse and financial fraud on the senior population. This problem is only going to grow with time, and something needs to be done to protect our most vulnerable citizens.

With elder fraud skyrocketing by 74% from 2020, the foundation is committed to making a significant impact in reducing these distressing numbers.

With more cybersecurity and financial experts coming on board to expand the foundation's certified knowledge and sharp resources, the foundation will be at the forefront of technology and cybersecurity.

headshot of ryan thompkins
  • Ryan Thompkins is a seasoned technology business partner for long-term care industry players and senior nursing facilities. Throughout his career, Ryan has witnessed countless cybercrimes and financial abuse attempts against the senior demographic. The alarming vulnerability and abuse that our senior population experiences in our rapidly advancing digital world struck a chord with Ryan.

    Despite supporting these facilities as a business partner, he felt powerless to provide any assistance to the seniors directly affected by these heinous crimes. This ethical dilemma weighed heavily on his conscience, and Ryan found himself constantly pondering how he could leverage his skill set and current position to help our senior community.

    Ryan made the decision to form an organization that would bring together cybersecurity professionals and financial fraud analysts to combat this growing epidemic. With elder fraud skyrocketing by 74% from 2020, Ryan is convinced that the organization can make a significant impact in reducing these distressing numbers.

    As the founder of Captivating Seniors, Ryan is motivated by a deep sense of purpose and responsibility to protect our elderly population from the perils of cybercrime and financial fraud. He believes that with the right resources, knowledge, and support, we can empower our seniors to safeguard themselves against these digital threats and thrive in an increasingly digitized world.

    Together, Ryan invites us to rise to the challenge of protecting our seniors and ensuring that they live out their golden years with dignity.

  • JaCory believes that CSF will play a crucial role in combating these issues, serving as a resource to provide proactive insight and countermeasures. Jacory’s professional experience in Information Technology provides him with a strong foundation for credibility in the cybersecurity world. With years of experience in the industry, Jacory has developed a deep understanding of the complexities of the digital landscape and has seen firsthand how cybercrime can impact individuals and organizations.

    Jacory believes that as awareness is raised, it will bring visibility to the real-life scenarios of cyber and financial fraud. As audiences see the impact and reality - "This Can Happen To Me" - he predicts true proactive change. CSF will take aggressive measures to ensure its audience is aware of these vulnerabilities while enjoying the technological advancements of life to make things easier.

kayla thompkins headshot
  • Kayla brings a unique perspective to the table, with a background in both banking and social media. She believes that the most pressing matters in cybersecurity are the scams presented in emails, social media, and text messages.

    Vulnerable seniors are often taken advantage of using emotional triggers. With over 10 years of experience in the banking industry, Kayla has witnessed financial fraud in vulnerable communities and dealt with fraudulent checks to be cashed, setting seniors back and leaving them in the negative with a fixed monthly income. She understands the challenges these situations create and believes that being proactive is the key to protecting seniors' funds, confidence, and security.

Contact Us


Phone: (864) 399-7980

We are CSF.

A pleasure to meet you.